Originally Posted by jaguartx
For you, the greater need is to discredit HIM.

I suppose for some, that is comforting.

I'm comfortable with you not believing.

Why are you so uncomfortable with us believers? It's to comfort YOURSELF.

It aint uncomfort with believers.
Its hearing some of them spew their pieholes about it and condeming others for not falling in line lock step in what they believe to be their mission to save someone else's soul.
And feeling fugging smug about it all while doing it.

I dont need anyone to set me straight about what I beleive.
Espeically when their are a million six christain religons all reading outta different versions of gods book. Cut copied and pasted by those men with power thruout time on what they wanted in it or out of it.
Then throw benjamins into the equation.

Just saying.....