Originally Posted by antlers
Others are of the opinion that if someone
will die for you...then they are ‘for’ you...and that can
certainly influence someone’s thought and belief regarding
the ‘softening of another’s character’.

Jesus didn't want to die for mankind , on the contrary
he directly asked if he could skip the process.
(Matthew 26:39)

Ultimately His will was to submit to the will
of the Father.

The concept of having someone tortured and killed
to demonstrate the love for someone else , most
would see such kind of act as abhorrent.

Those who do such, normally reserve it for their
worst enemies and are just plain crazy depraved.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm

Well, according to Antler there is nothing particularly wrong with Islam, or any other religion for that matter,
if that's what "feels" right to them, then good to go. Murdering infidels is okay right?,... .

Ironically, 'Infidel' originates from the Latin
not Islam... LoL.

Faith has driven christians to build large armies
To kill what they deemed infidels and heretics..
'might makes right' on matters of faith.
..while they had the swords and maces out,
they took oportunity to slaughter rival eastern
orthodox christians, jews, pagans, etc.

Originally Posted by antlers
.. And I’m also not OK with the bigotry, prejudice
and violence that has nothing at all to do with faith..

Antlers. do you subscribe to the Christian 'all other
God's are false'.. ?

Not only do Christians disagree with other people's
choice of deity , they also feel compelled to judge
and condemn other deities.

remembering that prejudice is thinking poorly
of another person's different religious beliefs.

and bigotry is when one refuses to accept
the possibility that their particular opinions
are the result of flawed logic.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.