Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by MickeyD
Proof requires testing. Testing that yields identical results assumptions don't matter. Anything less than that and all you have is theory.

By that criterion you can't prove that anything in the Bible actually happened.

Some of the Hebrew history part did, however, happen. We have corroboration from other sources.

It's fairly easy to prove, though, that much it simply didn't happen. The whole book of Genesis is one example.

If you accept that proof requires testing, then all that you can "prove" is that no one else has been able to create the world as described in Genesis. But neither can you "prove" evolution. Both require acceptance of something that is humanly unprovable, which I believe is by design. So, once again, it comes back to which premise you are going to start with. That is a choice we each have. Choose well.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.