Originally Posted by Starman
claiming Constantine to be a fully fledged christian as you did, when by your own later Admission you don't know it to be true.

Since you cannot verify your claim, then it's a fantasy or fabrication till proven otherwise.

BTW: Britannica is not a Theistic source to verify any faith you had in Constantine being an actual Christian.
your desperation is showing again.
Ah. A Phd-conducted historical study must to come from a theistic source. Surely, my desperation is clearly evident. LOL.
Originally Posted by Starman
please point out the anger in my post, I can't see it coz my vivid imagination isn't anywhere good as yours.

I’d say, based on your views of evolution, your imagination is as vivid as anyone’s. Do I need a theistic resource to point out your hostile tone or can it be observed by the readers of this thread?

Originally Posted by Starman
You claimed you were being attacked
and I pointed out your victim status attitude

So what exactly is your issue.?

First you call me desperate. Now you call me a victim? LOL. You’re clearly struggling to avoid admitting the theory of evolution is not proven and using slander as a tactic to distract away from that point. Again, this is par for the course on the evolutionist side of this thread: Admit nothing. Deny everything. Make accusations and minimize the christian’s input by disparaging the poster. It would have to actually work for me to be a victim. It does not.

You can provide evidence, but not proof. Since the beginning of this thread, my position has been the same: Christianity it subjective, so it cannot be measured using the scientific method. No Christian in this thread has suggested otherwise. It’s a relationship with Jesus and being as such, is as measureable as your relationship with anyone you know. How do you measure that? Can you provide a tangible scale of how you love anyone?

This is where the evolutionists in this thread fail. They collectively disparage faith in an unobserved entity because faith in something unobserved is not part of the science. Yet while they dismiss God because he can’t be seen, touched or managed to leave tangible proof behind, they display faith in an unobserved theory that modern man evolved from monkeys and portray it as fact. Again, facts are proven and by science’s standard, evolution has not been proven. No…a finalistic answer of “yes it has” doesn’t make it any more proven. Nor does taking it to a personal level. Besides, you can’t triple stamp a double stamp.

Hawkeye can post as many links as he wants, but a Don Barnes look-alike presenting a compelling (yet subjective) argument for evolution and dropping the mic is not proof of evolution. Others can condescendingly suggest to go read a book, but since the book has to be from their reading list, I don’t consider that proof, either. Proof is conclusive.

Dismissing subjectivity while relying on subjectivity is hypocritical and discredits any argument evolutionists have. If the evolutionists here stated they believed evolution to be true based on evidence, but cannot prove it, this thread would’ve arrived at the same conclusion and been done in 3 pages. They won’t, however, as it would provide transparency to the fact that modern man’s evolution requires a leap of faith….the same characteristic they dismiss in Christianity. Instead, evolutionists here insist evolution is proven, falsely suggesting the theory has been concluded based on objective science. That is not science and actually discredits real science.

“When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
- Socrates