Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Voodoo is a religion, and includes may Catholic elements, more than you probably imagine.
As for claiming to be religion, but not really being so, .....you should look in the mirror.
You got that right. Jesus' (Yeshua's) teachings which weren't new ideas at all have had so much of other belief systems stitched onto them it resembles a religious Frankenstein monster.

Interesting comment. Why would you say that Jesus’ teachings were not new ideas? I have an opinion on this, but I would like to hear your viewpoint.

Also.... you went on to say that Jesus’ teachings had “other belief systems” stitched on to them. I am wondering about that. Can you elaborate?


I am really busy today but I'll give you a quick answer and more later. Jesus also called Yeshua and John the Baptist taught salvation through repentance which is the theme attached to salvation from front to back Genesis to Revelation. Read it and you cannot escape that Paul contradicted Jesus. Yes he did. The Roman version of Christianity attached all kinds of Paganism to their church and most protestants retained it. Start with Easter, Christmas, infant baptism, and I could go on and on. Just read Jesus' message that survived the editing and you will understand that most Christianity does not follow him and in fact would probably kill him again if he were to come back and tell them the truth as he did to the Jewish leaders of his day. The only place for an honest man is a grave in most places in this world.

I'm sorry, but you missed a verse that totally disproves your point. Paul did indeed also preach repentance. Passionately.

He (Paul) preached that God "but now commandeth all men every where to repent" (Acts 17:30).

You can't place your faith in Christ until you have repented....... Repentance is a change of the mind, heart, and will.
1. you change your mind when you believe the gospel and that Jesus is the Christ, God in the flesh and that He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the grave.
2. you change your heart when you choose to trust Him as your Savior.
3. you change your will when you choose to obey Him as Lord.

If you haven't had that change, you cannot believe in Him.