Originally Posted by ChuckKY
Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by ChuckKY
Originally Posted by Starman

And why would I answer my questions put to
others ? 🤔..

You honestly don't know do you?

It's a concept called "Integrity"

I dont believe that me answering questions
I put to other people is a show of integrity.

Question for You,

Do you have any christian beliefs that
you believe to be true rather than Myth?

You don't want to answer that... So you
would prefer I answer it on your behalf?

I was raised in a strict Roman Catholic Family. I went to a Catholic school and church every Sunday. As a kid, I believed what I was told to believe. As I got older, I didn't remember there being a Pope when Jesus walked the Earth. I began to doubt the policy (politics) of the church as "gospel" and started to gravitate to a sense of treating others as I would want to be treated and listening to that little voice in the back of my mind as my path of guidance to true parity with myself and others. I harbor no ill content to those who feel they need to adhere to a more traditional faith and strict church doctrine, in fact I admire them for their ability to adhere to such a structured way of faith in their lives. I tend to more closely associate my religious beliefs the same way Renegade50 so eloquently stated earlier in this post. Sometimes I wonder how a Loving God would allow a child to be strictin in some life changing illness and at other times I marvel at the sight of a mother's loving embrace of her child and know this had to be more than mere pond scum that got us here. I question these things nearly on a daily pattern. I would not expect a fool such as yourself to answer these questions for me. I would only ask you to answer the same question now that I am asking of you that you just asked of me and I answered.

How is that part about treating others as you want to be treated working out for you...?

For those without thumbs, it's s Garden fookin Island, not Hawaii