Originally Posted by Savage_Hunter
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Dixie_Dude
The Bible also says a day in Gods eyes is as a thousand years to man. So a literal 7 human or earth days may not be to God. Another fact. Honey bees use logarithms to tell distance to flowers to other bees with a brain the size of a pinhead. Some plants cannot survive without bees and the bees cannot survive without flowering plants. Which evolved first? I think they were created first.

The college professor who discovered the granite rock creation was at the University of Tennessee in the 1980's. Don't remember his name.

Yet genesis specifies six literal days of creation, mornings and evenings.

reread it in Hebrew.

It still specifies mornings and evenings, which is why it was translated as mornings and evenings and why that translation relates to the narrative of special creation.