Originally Posted by Ringman
Science is based on observation and repeatability.

And the general agreement...overwhelmingly...in science, based on observation and repeatability, supports evolution. [/quote]

You are using your brainwashing. Show me the documentation of evolution being observed and repeated, please. I have heard in the past
it was too fast and in the present it is too slow.

Evolution is zero threat to the faith of SO many Jesus followers; why does it appear to be such a threat to your faith...?

I am convinced as much as a person can be convinced recent creation is a fact. I don't feel the least bit threatened by ANY scientific fact.
You cannot explain the super abundance of helium atoms in the crust of the earth while creationists can. You cannot explain the lack of
chemical in the ocean, creationists can. You cannot explain the retrograde rotation of some of the planets and moons, creationists can.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter