Originally Posted by Starman
People have claimed that Jesus has spoken
to them compelling them kill family members
because they are evil...some even claim to see
the face of Jesus in the melted cheese of their

Just amazing how convinced some can be of
the ways they think their God is communicating
with them.

Crazy isn’t it? Yet these are outliers of christianity. The ridiculously fringe radical stories that are recycled over and over again. It makes a great distractor for those looking to make certain, so-called scientific ideas look more realistic.

For instance, how many books explain humans coming from apes as a fact without mentioning any other possibility? Millions? How many teachers instruct an unproven theory in a manner that suggests it’s proven? It’s certainly the position of self-proclaimed intellectuals here.

As far as amazement goes, I’d be a little more concerned with what’s passed as “science” to the masses. It’s clear that that the standard is no longer an open-minded and objective practice of scientific method.

“When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
- Socrates