Starman: See John 3:16. "...the world..." and "...whosoever..." seems to me would encompass more than the Torah Jews, as you term them.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go

....Since you claim my God is fictitious, it is every bit as incumbent on you to present sufficient evidence for his non-existence, ….

You know that is incorrect - that would mean that you could say absolutely anything about anyone and get them to prove otherwise. That would be guilty until proven innocent. Good for killing witches though.

This is not a trial; if it were, who is the prosecution and who is the defendant? No, it is supposed to be a conversation, albeit one where each side hopes to persuade the other of the merits of its viewpoint. There is no guilt or innocence involved here; thus my point was that AS does not have the sole right to demand sufficient evidence of anything anymore than I do.

There is compelling evidence for evolution. I offered an interpretation of that evidence that renders said evidence insufficient. I have conceded that neither position is provable, yet AS and you continue to demand "sufficient evidence" while exempting yourselves from the same standard. I don't care to continue to attempt to carry on a conversation in this manner.

I was really hoping I could just let this thread die...hopefully, it is over for me now.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.