Originally Posted by TF49
For Starman,

Don was a maintenance planner at a mine a worked at. Pretty good guy, competent in his job ..... but always on edge.... always unhappy and seemingly looking for something to complain about. Kinda like a “dissatisfied rebel” but not having any real cause or banner to take up. Don was also very much anti-Christian.

At age 37, Don got married for the first time.... by all accounts to a very good gal. They had been married only a couple of months when Don began to have small seizures. He was diagnosed with brain cancer. He continued to work and we were all impressed with how he was holding everything together..... but his attitude took a real turn when he was told It was inoperable....grew like a “spiderweb” in his brain. Don was gone for awhile and then returned to work.... a new man.... his new wife somehow witnessed to him, took to church...whatever, I really don’t know how it happened but Don was a new man.

He only worked another couple of weeks, but was telling everybody about his wonderful wife and his wonderful savior. No more angry, bitter rebel, just peaceful. Somber on some days, but often with a peaceful smile. He died just a few weeks after his last day at work.

Don had a thing or two to tell us..... 37 years wasted, 37:years of rejecting God....(btw, he used a completely inappropriate term to describe his treatment of Jesus, but after all, this was a mine filled with rough men). .....then a new wife and a bright future, then dismay with the prospect of loss and his impending death.... then....Joy. He said God got his attention and while he didn’t like the idea of dying so young, he called the cancer a blessing....a gift from the Lord to set him straight.

By all accounts, he died peacefully and in victory.

From the time of his marriage to his death was only 5-6 months.

And all it took was damage due to a highly invasive brain tumor. God does indeed work in mysterious ways.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.