In other threads, I have said why I have chosen my specific God. To reiterate it now will just prolong the agony of this so-called conversation; anyway, it did not satisfy you then and it won't now.

But there you go again, demanding that I only must meet a burden of proof. You are also making a positive claim, about evolution, so you still have a burden of truth as much as I do. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection has been scrutinized for 150 years, true, but that doesn't mean it has withstood all scrutiny. Here I am, neither a biblical scholar or a scientist, and I came up with an idea that renders it inconclusive, and all you can do is blather on about a "trickster god." And talk about moving the goal posts, introducing the Flat earth Movement into this is typical of your disingenuousness.

Now your counter is likely to be that my interpretation requires a God you do not accept as being real, you gotta prove it, blah, blah, blah. And back and forth we go, over and over and over again. I'm out.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.