Originally Posted by Northman
The Bible has been taught as literal for nearly 2000 years... talk against it and you risked your life.

Until science proved most of it was false... then it became allegorical and non-literal and suddenly all followers could be interpret it in any way they liked.

When there are dozens and dozens of Denominations that can't even decide which Christianity each should belive in.... Its called Faith.

Science proves things.


"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

- 2 Peter 3:8

This isn't meant to be taken literally, such as 1 day equals 1,000 years. It means only that our reckoning of time and God's are quite distinct.

“For as Adam was told that in the day he ate of the tree he would die, we know that he did not complete a thousand years [Gen. 5:5]. We have perceived, moreover, that the expression ‘The day of the Lord is a thousand years’ [Ps. 90:4] is connected with this subject.”

- Justin Martyr 155 AD

“And how could creation take place in time, seeing time was born along with things which exist? . . . That, then, we may be taught that the world was originated and not suppose that God made it in time, prophecy adds: ‘This is the book of the generation, also of the things in them, when they were created in the day that God made heaven and earth’ [Gen. 2:4]. For the expression ‘when they were created’ intimates an indefinite and dateless production.”

- Clement of Alexandria 208 AD

“For who that has understanding will suppose that the first and second and third day existed without a sun and moon and stars and that the first day was, as it were, also without a sky? . . . I do not suppose that anyone doubts that these things figuratively indicate certain mysteries, the history having taken place in appearance and not literally.”

- Origen of Alexandria - 248 AD

"In discussing questions of this kind, two rules are to be observed, as Augustine teaches (Gen. ad lit. i, 18). The first is to hold the truth of Scripture without wavering. The second is that, since Holy Scripture can be explained in a multiplicity of senses, one should adhere to a particular explanation only in such measure as to be ready to abandon it if it be proved with certainty to be false; lest Holy Scripture be exposed to the ridicule of unbelievers, and obstacles be placed to their believing."

- Summa Theologica 1274 AD