Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Savage_Hunter
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Come on SH,

Noah's World Wide Flood. Historical, or not?

sorry, stepped away to eat supper and watch "The Stalking Moon" with my wife. (Gregory Peck movie)
And, it's now time for bed.

But to answer your question, the Hebrew words "adamah" and "erets" can mean mean either ground, land, region, or the whole earth.
I can see where some would believe that it was a regional flood and I can see how some would believe it is a worldwide flood.

But, as I read Genesis 6-7, I believe it is the whole earth.

If that makes you want to make fun of me, feel free, lol, I likely deserve some ribbing....... Maybe Ringman will let me go to heaven for believing in a literal worldwide flood.

SH, thanks for academic, and honest response.

The reason I asked I'm just trying to peg your location on the spectrum of beliefs disconnected from reality due to religion.

So far I have you at, Micro, but no macro evolution, Literal world wide flood, but days in Genesis are not literal, so you are not necessarily a young earth creationist. Please correct me where I'm wrong regarding your beliefs.

Based on your understanding of reality, how old is the earth, and how old is the local presentation of this Universe?

I am a Christian that has the equivalent of a masters in biology, chemistry, and pharmaceutics. I also have a masters of theology. In a debate I could intelligently argue as a young earthier, an old earther, a theistic evolutionists, or regular evolutionist and you would be unable to guess which I was.

My beliefs.
Old (ancient) earther. Definitely not young earth. I’d find it easier to believe in theistic evolution than a young earth model. But I will repeat that I am not a proponent of theistic evolution.
Divine creation.
Progressive creation over billions of years.
Creation began many billions of years ago.
Worldwide flood.

I am very conservative.
I believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Man’s interpretations of it, however, are not necessarily.
I believe in a literal reading of scripture except in the rare places where it is obvious it is figurative.

I believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and the only way to be saved.
Salvation comes via repentance, faith, and lordship. You can’t have one without the other two.

I believe young earthers were/are so eager to disprove evolutionists that they backed themselves into a ridiculous position that the Bible does not demand or even support and they make the Christian message in the Bible appear foolish.

The early church was not young earthers.

I believe the KJV only crowd are pretty silly at times. I have actually known people that would not donate to my mission trips to help buy bibles to take to China unless the were Chinese kjv bibles. How ignorant!!!!

I believe in a pretribulation rapture and that revelation can be understood in a figurative language but literal sense.
Further, it is not talking about 1st century events but future eschatological events. Jesus will literally return and destroy the beast and his followers and set up His millennial kingdom.

I believe that all believers will be judged and rewarded at the bema seat of Christ and the lost of all the ages will be judged at the great white throne.

I believe every knee will eventually bow and confess that Jesus Christ is lord after all. But it will be too late for the lost.

I don’t believe the Bible is a science book but I believe there is a lot of good science in it that was sctually ahead of its time.

Most young earthers don’t like discussing creation with me and some stupidly question my salvation because they know kjv but have no understanding of Hebrew. Admittedly I am not an expert though but I do know how to study it.

Hope that helps. Btw, I know you and I don’t agree, but I have no reservations about talking with you.