Well, I am going to say that I believe there is a supernatural power that is unknowable. It is beyond me to understand how something like our well ordered, synchronized, rhythmic universe could come from nothing. Now as to earth and our existence. Anyone who believes the earth is only a few thousand years old is deluded. Anyone that rejects the idea that living things evolve is wrong and they need to realize a lot can change in a few million years. Anyone who believes the bible is to be taken literally must not have read the whole thing. As to the flood, I believe as the last ice age ended the ocean poured over into the Black Sea and wreaked havoc that is dimly remembered by various societies. As to the Jews, they are a remarkable people and I do believe their survival as a separate entity is a miracle and there is no other explanation for their return to Israel. I believe Jesus is who he claimed to be and brought mankind a message from the creator. I also believe there may be such a thing as reincarnation and Jesus himself even hinted at it. That might explain a lot of the misery in the world. I mostly will say there is a lot I'm not sure of but I'm sure that many of the folks that are so sure of their interpretation of God's will are full of it.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."