Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
A question for the literalists and young Earth believers.

We know there have been nine species within our Homo genus, including the "Red Deer Cave People" in China, H naledi in S Africa, the hobbits of the Phillipines- H luzonensis, H rhodesiensis of Central Africa.

We know that H neanderthalensis and H denisova lived alongside H sapiens and crossbred between the species. Many of us today carry DNA from one or both of these ancient species.

Where did the archeological evidence of these protohumans come from?

How did these other species cross breed with God's special chosen creation?

How many proto humans had a soul? Did Cro-Magnon have a soul?

Which cross breeds might have had a soul?

Those details are unknowable.

Is it knowable that a "soul" is a construct of human imagination? As are the many, many gods?

Finally, how did this all happen in 6000 to 7000 years since creation?

It didn't. Our ancestry goes back to the Precambrian.

You have never identified as a literalist or young earther/creationist!

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.