Originally Posted by 358wsm
Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Voodoo is a religion, and includes may Catholic elements, more than you probably imagine.
As for claiming to be religion, but not really being so, .....you should look in the mirror.
You got that right. Jesus' (Yeshua's) teachings which weren't new ideas at all have had so much of other belief systems stitched onto them it resembles a religious Frankenstein monster.

Interesting comment. Why would you say that Jesus’ teachings were not new ideas? I have an opinion on this, but I would like to hear your viewpoint.

Also.... you went on to say that Jesus’ teachings had “other belief systems” stitched on to them. I am wondering about that. Can you elaborate?


Because there were many similiar predecessor religions to Christianity. Here Richard Carrier details several, and also some that are claimed but are not actually do not feature a dying and rising god like Christianity:

Meh, just another hasty search then cut and paste.

As I recall, Bart Ehrman does not doubt the historicity of Jesus.

If I understand him correctly, I believe Bart believes that there is a "probability" of a historical jesus.

Hitchens on the other hand......

Well, you served that up well....

Anyway, the key question is not what Bart Ehrman or Hitchens thinks about Jesus, the key issue is what you think about Jesus.

I see many “appeals to popularity” arguments made here. At the end of the day, it boils down to you and God.

The issue is pertinent to the individual, not the herd.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”