Originally Posted by RayF
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
He presents the evidence known to science, yes. Lays it out very clearly.

I don’t know what “it” is, but “it” isn’t indisputable.

I watched episode 1, 2 and the episode addressing the Noah’s ark. A few glaring issues that I’m sure you’ll dismiss because they’re not scientific law, but evolutionists seem to have no problem passing theory off as such.

First, his sarcastic tone reveals an obviously bias, which is not exactly the “open-minded” approach a person would expect to see from a practitioner that demands such from his audience.

Second, he likes to slip in words like “likely” and “markers” which suggests evidence, but really isn’t.

Lastly, even though we have thousands of fossils before and after these evolutional species transformations, he goes over the transforming “evidence“ so quick and generally (while flashing a skeleton of a.....frog?) that it’s really not addressed. It’s literally 2-3 seconds.

So while there seems to be a lot of good scientific information, to base a theory on, it is just that..... theory. The only problem is, it’s too often passed as law.

I guess the equivalent is that Jesus is stated in numerous writings of theologians and scholars of all walks. Even Atheists. So what, you say? There was some dude named Jesus that told people he was the Son of God and died on a cross. Doesn’t prove anything....except there just as much physical evidence that God exists as we come from apes. The big difference is, however, Christianity is based on faith and requires no physical evidence. Evolution, however, is based on physical evidence and requires a significant amount of faith.


Serious question. Did you make it past the 8th grade?

Did you go to school in some really backwards state, or graduate in the 1920's before much of this was learned?

Or do you just not care because modern science conflicts with your fundamentalist version of Christianity?

You are so scientifically illiterate, you don't even know the difference between fact, law, hypothesis, and theory.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell