Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by DBT
The decline of society is caused by many factors, economic, market saturation, business decline leading to shortage of jobs, a sense of hoplessness, turn to drugs, steal to feed the habit, homelessness, overpopulation, social friction, race tension, class, the haves and the have nots, poor education, etc, etc....religion being only a part of the overall picture. Plus the US has a higher percentage of believers than Australia, for example, yet appears to have greater problems.

Yeah, we got a lot more suffering among people now days wearing nikes, eating rotten road kill from their fridge while watching color TV while sitting under an AC than folks did along the European coast living off the fat of the sea with their motorized fishing boats while dodging polio, the plagues, mosquitoes, tetanus, potato famines and Barbary Coast bleck slavers a thousand years ago.

We got it so bad roving bands of poor starving bleck utes scavenge for green meat and donuts through the alley dumpsters all day unless they see a chick with nice tenners and a cell phone they can attack.


The point being? What are the factors that took us out of the dark ages and improved the lives of so many people? If western society is in decline, what exactly is driving that decline?