
I will be honest with you. I believe in God and Jesus Christ, the Son OF God. Why, because I want to, I made that choice myself without any need for proof. In fact I will go on record as saying not only is their no proof but it may even be a sin to try to find a proof. I believe because I believe and that's all I need.

Just out of curiosity, which finger am I? I won't be upset if you say the middle. grin [/quote]

I find it interesting that you believe there is no proof.

What about fulfilled Bible prophesy that has all come true? For instance the prophesy of the destruction of Babylon and the bibles claim that it would never be inhabited again. One can go to Irac and see for yourself the ancient ruins and that the city has never been inhabited again though rebuilding has been tried by several and failed.

What about Isaiah's claim that the earth is round and hanging apon nothing thousands of years before the popular belief was that the world is not flat?

Why is it the year 2015?

Why is the bible the one book that has been sought to be destroyed by governments all over the world yet for some reason is the most widely distributed book in history today?

We humans ourselves are absolute proof that intelligent life is in fact a reality unless of course we are imagining all of this.

We are absolute proof of the fact that other intelligent life is a possibity and therefore cannot intelligently dismiss the possibility of intelligent entities elsewhere such as God.

If God is in fact the most intelligent being in the universe than the bible that is claimed to be inspired by God should contain wisdom that is far beyond any other book one could attain.

If God does exist and one reads the bible and finds it ignorant it would speak volumes about ones lack of intellect.

There is a very wise saying in Proverbs that says......it is foolishness on one part to make a conclusion on a matter before hearing all of the matter.

As far as your question about whether or not Christians are dishonest. If someone one is dishonest that person is not a Christian.

The bible states.......Liars will not inherit the kingdom.

2 Timothy 3 1-5 gives examples of false Christian during the last days. It says.......many will have a FORM of Godly devotion but will prove false to its power. From these ones stay away!!!

Perhaps these are the dishonest ones you might be referring too.


The 6.5 Swede, Before Gay Was Ok