Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Gus
Originally Posted by TF49

AS posted:

How can you claim to have nothing to worry about?

Out of all the tens of thousands of gods, and over 30 thousands sects of Christianity, how can you be so certain you've chose the correct one?

The Muslims, Hindu's, Mormans, and Catholics all believe that unless you believe exactly like they do, you are going to hell to be tormented forever. When you add it all up, you changes of guessing correctly are about 1/40,000, so mathematically, you do have a lot to worry about

This strikes me as being a very legitimate question. “How can you claim to have nothing to worry about?”

John 14:20 - Jesus speaking: “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.”

Also, John 14:17-18 - Jesus speaking: “.....the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”

There it is and it is simple. Once God has come to live within someone, they know it. They also begin to understand more about the truth.


so, were humans (Adam & Eve) {24 hourcampfire is not responding}. true humans? I say they were. were they hybridized from space aliens and pre-human primates? I say they/we could have been. but, who's to know?

what about this "truth" of which you speak? what does it tell you? can you share with the rank & file, or just quote scripture? inquiring minds would like to know. seriously, the Hebraic Tradition and the greek & egytian beliefs are so far apart that the twain shall never meet?

Show us your evidence Gus.
How about something peer reviewed, not some "history channel" episode of Ancient Aliens.

well, I'm coming up a bit short. I've searched the literature for a referenc to Adahmah, and Haveh (Adam & Eve) and whether they were created without belly buttons. so far, zilch, nada. in Genesis or elsewhere. so, my info is found lacking. so, no proof from me. but, do I believe they were hybridized and therefore not requiring belly buttons? it could be, couldn't it?