Originally Posted by srwshooter

just don't push it on me.

I do my best to never push, shove, shout or threaten my faith on anyone. If anyone here feels I have then I honestly and sincerely apologise.

However, when someone posts a statement on Christianity I will respond with my beliefs. If I were to sit around a campfire enjoying the company of those here posting on this thread of the lack of belief in God I would not be the one to bring the subject up for conversation but that does not mean I do not have concern for them.

To use an example, I consider Antelope_Sniper a friend. We do not think the same on this subject so unless he asks I don't generally respond with an answer. Now that in no way means I do not think he is missing the boat so to speak and I do feel real concern for him because in my mind I believe in a afterlife and if I am right and he is wrong the consequences I would never wish on him. On the other hand, if he is right and I am just living a life in an unfounded faith the consequences will amount to nothing.

As I stated above in an earlier reply I chose to follow Christ. No one made me do it, I did it because my life sucked big time and I had no inner peace. I chose to try something different and from almost that moment on my life has been much better. No, the hurts and pains did not go away, neither did the hard times, but I felt much better equipped to handle those hard times. As Peter said to the lame man (Acts 3:6) silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee —. I did not become rich in the things of the world. The Ruger 45 LC I have wanted since 1973 did not magically appear under my pillow. My bank did not call telling me I had to transfer some money because I had more in my accounts than the FDIC insurance covered nor did Publishers Clearing House knock on my door. But in spite of all than a peace and contentment have enabled me to persevere. Through the tough times, injuries aches, pains, low income and for the four and a half years of no income we have never gone without a roof over our heads and enough food on out table to share with those who may not. Today I suffer from daily bouts of dizzy spells bad enough that if I don't sit down or better yet lay down I would fall down. I have back pain the doctors can do nothing about. At 66 years old I have the joint pains than most my age know all to well. But with all that my life is pretty darned good. I am at peace and I am content. I choose to thank God for that.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!