In response to an AS comment, GB posted:

This is a prime example of dishonesty. Misrepresenting something for what I perceive as an addiction to debate.

Yep, his desire to discredit seems to override his scholarly ability.

He will read a passage and allow his desire to discredit or debate or ???? to enter and cause him to spew nonsense.

Someone posted that AS has quite a bit of Bible knowledge. Nope, that is not the case at all. He has an internet search engine but cannot make sense of what he reads.

Lot's case is very interesting. There is no doubt he did sinful acts but as he is mentioned in the NT as righteous, I would assume he repented and turned his life around.

King David is similar. He was guilty of murder and yet a man after God's own heart. How can that be explained if not for David's response of repentance and God's patient love and forgiveness?

In many ways, I resemble them both.

God is not bound by time. He could look at Lot and see his future and see that he would in the future turn from sin in his future. Maybe that is what happened. God can look at me and see my future.

He can also see the future for AS.


The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”