Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
I can see you haven't read it.

More on this Krauss bookseller and his "honesty."

I note the following comments about Krauss:

"..Krauss is more interested in ideology than scientific evidence."

"....(Krauss) ..selectively edited email (From another physicist) to give him the spin Krauss wanted."

The video is boring but it sure provides one with all the warrant required NOT to read his book and to NOT believe anything he says.


CLEARLY, not all scientists are honest and CLEARLY not all develop their opinions based on the scientific evidence.


btw, there was a great article written by a Canadian who has since been shouted down about Canadian "climate change." There was a time when the "average" temperature for Canada was taken from over 3000 data points. This was used for years to measure Canada's average temperature. Then the Canadian government decided to reduce the number of weather stations used to compute the average. The new number of stations was reduced to 1100 or so. Wonder of wonders, the new revised reports showed "global warming."

Are scientists honest? I guess that depends on their social and ideological agenda.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”