Originally Posted by wilkeshunter
There is clearly somewhat of a regional divide among us. I can't think of a sportsman that I personally know that is not a Christian. Next week, a BUNCH of us will share in a dove hunt where we will have a group prayer before the event. Anytime we are together, we pray before we eat. My Friends of NRA committee prays after each meeting, and we have a prayer before our banquet. I guess I live in a sheltered world here in the Bible Belt? The preponderance of nonbelievers here on the Fire is somewhat surprising for a guy in rural N.C.

Colorado actually has one of, if not the, highest concentrations of non-believers in the county. But we are also the second most educated state.

Heck we have about everything here, Christians, Atheist, Muslims, Hindu's, Buddhist, Shinto's, Sikhs, Heck I think we even have a temple to Jainism in the area.

Yea, if you get out a little bit, you will see there is a lot more in the world then just Christianity.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell