Originally Posted by eyeball
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by SCRooster
Originally Posted by BFD
Originally Posted by BarryC
Putin and Hillary are great examples of living by Atheist values.

And then you have the Timothy McVeighs and Terry Nichols of the world.

... and ISIS, Al Qaeda, Jim Jones, Saul Alinsky, Lenin, Marx, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Attila, et al.

What's your point?

You're going to cite The Crusades next I suppose?

Historically speaking, who has been perpetrated more mass genocide on this planet than any others ... I mean if we're talking sheer numbers?

Religious people ... or non religious people?

And what were the first steps to those non-religious people, those non-believers, the atheists ... what were their first steps undertaken before the mass genocides were perpetrated upon the people?

As I mentioned before, Hitler was a Catholic, Stalin was a seminary student and head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Hirohito was worshiped as a god in Japan. The Rwanda Genocide was the work of Catholics. The Kosovo genocide was done by Orthodox Serbs. The 1915-1923 Armenian, massacre, and the Assyrian and Greek massacres were carried out by Muslims, All of your central African genocides were committed by religious people of one flavor or another, either Christian of Muslim. Technically all Marxist are supposed to be atheist, but does not Marxism itself resemble a religion with people still pilgrimaging to worship at the tomb of Lennin?

If you want good people to do bad things, that takes religion.

So, you want to lump in all religions and attribute their sins to christianity?
I thought there was a difference in christians and mosldms.

At least now i know why you dont like christians. You dont even know what they are. Christians are those who believe in Christ and fail at times in resisting sin, but they dont live in it.

There are a lot of folks like hilkary and pelosi who claim to be christians, but no Christian lives a life rejecting His word AS.

Ive never until now heard anyone stupid enough to call Hitler or Stalin or Lenin a Christian. They and hillary live their lives rejecting His commands.

I didnt know you were disingenuous enough to paint us whith those who SAY they were a catholic or Studied some denomination.

Why didnt you throw in Charles Manson as a christian? He went to a church wedding once.

1.a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings.
1.one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

Just because you want to deny the Christians you do not like, that does not prevent a person from self identifying as a Christian. You attempt to deny these individuals because you do not want to admit there are issues within you religion.

If you don't think Hitler and Stalin were Christians, you need to go pick up a history book and learn something.

As for Lenin, I never said anything about his religion past Marxism, but now that you ask, he was Baptized Russian Orthodox.

As for Charles Mason, his "religion" if you can even call it that, was a strange combination of Satanism, Christianity, and Scientology. I"m not aware of him ever being Baptized, confirmed, or regularly attending a Christian Church. I think it would be a stretch to attempt to place the Christian label on him.

As for my feelings toward Christians, I do not dislike Christians, what I do not like is when bad or mistaken idea's cause good people to do bad things.

If you had been paying attention, you would have notices I differentiate between pragmatic Christians who primarily live in the real work and suffer and inflict few if any ills as a result of their religion, and those whom it causes to act bat Schit Crazy (I think that's the proper technical term) or those who it causes to engage in actions and beliefs that reduce the well being of others, i.e. those who cause real harm as a result of their religion.

But of course, you would of had to be paying attention, which I doubt you were.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell