I hardly ever reply to these type threads any more cause its usually pointless. All I have to say is honesty is more of a human condition and is very individual. I know just as many Christians that are full of crappie as non believers. But many of the Christians that I know that are really up right before God weren't that way before they became Christians but the ones that are just like every body else were the same before they became christians. I changed a lot,,, then life and bad deeds of people around me made me see that most people aren't worth much and my mercy and compassion tank is now almost bone dry. I am trying to turn that around and not alow that to carry over to everybody. But being less trusting has served me well in the past few years.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, just kinda thinking out loud. I guess I'm just saying I have seen Christianity not change some people and I've seen a huge change in others including myself only to go back and forth with old struggles but never completely turning back to my old ways. As for the PROOF, I don't need it but I got it. When your in a lot of pain and someone prays for you in the name of Jesus and the pain leaves,,, we'll that's proof enuff for me. Nobody can convince me otherwise. A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument. Just sayin, but believe whatever you want I'm not the Holy Spirit jr. or the barney fife or heaven everybody is entitled to live as they see fit. I don't throw rocks cause I live in a glass house. I can't blame someone for believing different than me when they have had a completely different experience. Sorry if some words are not right, auto correct sux and I'm to sleepy to check it. Good night all.

Eating fried chicken and watermelon since 1972.

You tell me how I ought to be, yet you don't even know your own sexuality,, the philosopher,,, you know so much about nothing at all. Chuck Schuldiner