Originally Posted by Gus
personnaly, I feel like cats & dogs both evolved from some weasel like being from early on.

later, dogs evolved to chase their prey down, with elbows/knuckles allowed running all day after reindeer or whatever.

cats love to lie in wait, and seize upon their prey. both front legs could easily turn inward to hold and capture their pray.

but dogs & cats could have evolved from the same weasel like creature, could they not?

just for conjecture, and speculation (which we all love), what if God came by, and set the Earth in motion, and then went on to other parts of his Universe, in order to keep the process moving forward? it could have happened, couldn't it?

Could of doesn't mean likely or probably.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell