You posted:

TF, at this point what he's proposed is a hypothesis, and it has not been promoted to the level of a theory. That doesn't mean it never will, but scientist are continuing to research it. As I mentioned the evidence is compelling, and all scientific attempts to date to falsify the hypothesis have failed. But just because research is on going, that doesn't justify your substitution of your "Magic Friend" hypothesis without providing compelling evidence of your own. That's how science works.


What are you talking about? ".... scientific attempts to date to falsify the hypothesis have failed..."

Obfuscaton at its best.

I also note that the term "Magic Friend" is used by you when you want to demean the participants in this discussion.


So, do you agree that Krauss DID NOT show how the universe came from nothing?

You can't say it can you? You held him up as a respected "scientist" who proved that the universe came from nothing and it turns out he is a bookseller who tickles the ears of the uninformed and those hungry for an atheist hero.


The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”