Originally Posted by xxclaro

I'd put my money on everyone being wrong. It's not just Christians vs Atheists with one being the winner, its thousands of different ideas and beliefs all trying to figure it out. I'm thinking no one's done it yet, and maybe never will.

Now THAT is a great thought.

I've often discussed with my buddy how it's so interesting that modern Christians assert that they have the truth with such authority. Even through the relatively short and narrow window of history that Christianity has occupied there have been (and still are) great and varied opinions and interpretations of nearly every theological aspect by many pious, intelligent well-meaning men. If there is little consensus amongst the adherents of 'Christianity' (in the broad sense) after 2000 yrs, why are so many saying believe this or burn?

One would think this would lead to a lot more humility among believers and a conviction to truly 'not judge' and merely live a life of plank self-removal...

That is also damning evidence against a 'inspired and infallible' view of scripture. If that were true, then god is the Worst. Editor. Ever.

It ain't what you don't know that makes you an idiot...it's what you know for certain, that just ain't so...

Most people don't want to believe the truth~they want the truth to be what they believe.

Stupidity has no average...