He gave us a bigger EQ to have a higher IQ to be able to contemplate and accomplish the miracles He told us we would.

Why dont the isis folks have empathy? Do they have a small brain ratio? No. They have hardened themselves to the normal perceptions of humans as have athiests. Its rather a protective mechanism to avoid the stress of fear in dealing with the truth.

We are created in HIS image and that is with an innate basic instinct of right and wrong due to the spirit He breathed into all of us which make us souls.

Anyone can deny the existence of s supreme being long enough to believe the lie and harden their hearts.

Indians of America asked for help from the great spirit in the sky ages before white men brought the Good News.

Last edited by eyeball; 09/01/15.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants.

If being stupid allows me to believe in Him, I'd wish to be a retard. Eisenhower and G Washington should be good company.