Originally Posted by MojoHand
Many of the response to this thread were just...WOW!

George, RWE, Werner, Eyeball, JGRaider...


They are the ones who others referenced as Christians who drive others away.

Mojo, how have I "driven others away?" That is contrary to my life's intention and I don't see that I've done it here. I haven't read all of this thread carefully but I think you are perceiving something that's not there.

It seems to me that in an agitated way you are not seeking answers here but rather put up the OP for the controversy that it would instigate.

However, if I am wrong please explain that to me, here or in a PM. Or [/b] ask [b] a question.

Edit: and can you elucidate on "Just....WOW?"

Last edited by George_De_Vries_3rd; 08/27/15.