Originally Posted by MojoHand
Originally Posted by BC30cal
Good evening to you sir, I trust this finds you well and keeping well away from the fires and smoke.

If I may, I've got a question for you since it appears to me there's a category of folks that have been omitted.

Where or how do you or the author classify people who have had experiences in their lives that cannot be explained by science or logic?

We can call them "supernatural" or "miracles" or simply leave the experiences as unexplained - but where will we put those folks?

I'm cognizant that my experiences are not yours as yours are not my own and neither one of us can truly understand or perhaps even empathize with someone else whose life experience is vastly different from our own.

But supposing there are people out there who have had such things happen to them that cannot be explained - would it be acceptable for those individuals to believe in "something more" than we can see, feel, touch or explain with currently understood science?

Just curious is all sir.

As I age I'm increasingly leery of anyone who says, "these people" are "always that way" and this is why - if you know what I mean?

All the best to you in the remaining fleeting days of summer sir and good luck on your hunts this fall.



I have always loved your humility and thoughtful posts and you ask a legitimate question.

Many people have experiences they can't 'explain' but often they are not fully investigated. In addition, as AS asked, why does it have to be the work of that particular person's particular God? This goes to the point in the OP that if faith is truly faith (no facts and provable evidence to back it up), then how does any 'believer' (no matter their religion/creed) tout their experiences over another? If one wishes to attribute the unexplained to the metaphysical or supernatural, shouldn't they should allow for the possibility it might not be their version of the supernatural?

You ask if it's acceptable for someone to believe in 'something more' than science can currently explain...I say, absolutely. Just please admit that is a choice not based on fact but belief.

I enjoy your posts, Dwayne, and wish you and your family the best this hunting season up in the Nothwoods!

Thanks to both you and Antelope Sniper for the thoughtful replies, I appreciate the tone and the effort put into them. Well done gentlemen. I appreciate the kinds words too and will endeavor to deserve them in future posts.

As you both might or may not know about me, I was/am the recipient of an unexplained happening such as I eluded to.

Without rehashing the entire episode it was catastrophic enough that my family was called in to watch me die as the best medical minds there apparently felt I had less than favorable odds.

Anyway the over riding emotion for me was a profound sense of indebtedness. I felt that if whatever it was through unexplained means allowed me to continue on - then I was supposed to do something to deserve that.

That feeling was made even keener a few years later when my best friend died in a car crash of injuries that were less severe than mine.

After much soul searching and wandering down wrong paths - for me - I turned to what I'll freely admit I believe is the right one - again for me.

Please note that I believe this faith in a supreme being makes me no better or worse than any other human here on this earth. Frankly I'm puzzled at folks who believe that way - but again it is just as much their right to believe that I suppose as it is mine to respectfully disagree.

Lastly, the faith placed may indeed lead to nothing beyond what I know on this mortal coil - but the benefit for me here and now is that it gives me a ration of daily peace which I didn't have previously.

I apologize to you both that this is a rather incoherent rambling when I read it back - but I felt your replies to me deserved a response and have attempted to articulate one.

Thanks again, all the best to you both and good luck on your hunts this fall.


There are more quail here than we've seen in years and the mulies are both getting their winter coats and starting to rub their velvet already - about 10-12 days early for here.

The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"