Evolution in itself is a broad descriptive term used in many ways. We all can agree that animals have changed over time, with time being relative to the situation, and have "evolved". No one can debate that. Survival of the fittest passes on genetics, and genetic traits become recessive or dominant and are either expressed in the individuals or are suppressed in individuals. We have scientific proof of that. I have even seen it with my own eyes in my hospitals microbiology lab while studying drug resistance in bacteria.

What we do not have proof of, and what is only a hypothesis or theory, whichever you will, is that human life evolved from a Big Bang and single cell life forms to what we are today.

As far as I am aware cro-magnun and Neanderthal barely overlap in existence on earth. So how does cro-mag evolve from them with no DNA sequence to support that. Fossil records have only left us with more unanswered questions. I say this to say then from what or where did they evolve. The simple answer is we don't know. And scientist do not agree on where they started. Some say Central Asia, some Africa, some say spaceships. Even after analyzing the same DNA hundreds of times. Who knows.

Point being when you say proof of evolution, you must be more descriptive of what "evolution" you are referring to. Cause Big Bang and single cell to multicellular evolution are not fact nor have they been proven or replicated by science to date.