Originally Posted by krp
The wise old indian...

Two twins in the womb.

Fisrt one says, I'll be a wolf when we leave this cave.

The other, no there is nothing outside this cave.

You don't want to be a bear or eagle, buffalo or snake?

No,there is nothing outside this cave.

The first says, there is a mommy and warmth and best of all love.

There's no evidence, it's a lie.

Look, look, a light, it's opening can you see it!

There's something, it's, it's...

Then an abortionist pierces their brains with forceps and pulls them out to harvest their parts.


The irony of that is there wouldn't have been any abortions going on in Indian country if it weren't for a bunch of Christians wanting religious freedom.

God does have a sense of humor, if nothing else.

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"