Hey Ghost,keeping things simple is best.Atheism is not a religion in itself.Most Atheist believe in evolution which is a belief system (read as faith).They are not honest with themselves.They talk as though its fact and they know its not, its just what they believe in(have faith in).
Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
So Atheism is not a monolithic position, there are many variations within it.

Yeah, I'm not much of a philosophical debater, more of a Wheaties or corn flakes guy.

I like to keep things fairly simple for my simple brain.

I suppose I could break down the molecular difference between Wheaties and corn flakes, but I have no interest in it.

Last edited by jdm953; 08/26/15.

Ideas are far more powerful than guns, We dont let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas. "Joseph Stalin"

He who has braved youths dizzy heat dreads not the frost of age.