There is no conflict between science and Christianity. We just aren't smart enough to figure out how the 2 compliment each other. When God wants us to know he'll tell us. It isn't something I worry about. And those Christians who constantly want to try to argue the point are showing a tremendous lack of faith in God to do so.

On the other hand most preachers and churches are so full of [bleep] their eyeballs are floating in it. Only a preacher can challenge a politician for stretching the truth and twisting the facts.

Yes, I'm a Christian, but frankly I'm embarrassed by most of my fellow believers. The church must first get it's act together before they can have any credibility.

Most conservatives sold their soul to the devil in the late 1970's in order to get Reagan elected. Since then they have stopped doing Gods work and became a PAC for the Republican party. Instead of doing the right thing they have put their efforts into electing the preferred politician and trying to get the right laws passed. All the while letting the church crumble around them.

Frankly God could care less if abortion, drugs or gay marriage is legal. He is interested in his followers doing the right thing. If the churches were doing what they are supposed to do the abortion clinics would go out of business for lack of customers.

Most people don't really want the truth.

They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.