Originally Posted by eyeball
Those who believe there was an explosion in the presence of gases and minerals and chemicals which started life are saying an explosion is what caused the car they drive.

You accept the creation you exist in but not the creator.

God does not want us to give proof. If He did, He would have given it. He even says you are right, there is no everlasting life for you, but those who believe and have faith are also right and because of that they will never die. He gave us that hope because it is possible. Animals dont concern themselves with thoughts of it, because Jesus didnt come, suffer and die for them. Its not an accident their brains dont concern them with the things our brains do.

If you insist on being nothing more than an animal, you will get no more than an animal.

Like I predicted. Lots of blather, no evidence.

As for your understanding of the Big Bang, just WOW.

There were no chemicals and minerals at the time of the Big Bang. Subatomic particles did form until after the period of inflation. The heavier elements formed later in the center of starts. Specifically, Elements up the the atomic weight of Iron can form during the standard fusion process, and the heavier elements are formed during super nova's.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell