Been mixing it up with my sandbag and kettle bell. Five Turkish get-ups each side with my 35 lbs kettle bell. Clean and press the sand bag and do five squats. Carry the bag down stairs and either do five lunges each leg, or five burpee/sandbag cleans. Drop the bag and do five dead-hang pull ups. Clean and press the bag and head back up stairs. Pace around with the bag on my shoulder until I catch my breath enough to hit another round. Got ten rounds done in about 30 minutes and had that great post workout feel all the rest of the day. Been digging on this type of workout. Really hits my core and is pushing my endurance level. Heart pounds heavy the entire time and I have to focus on controlling my breathing. Well worth the price of a couple sacks of pea gravel and a rusted up kettle bell from 2nd hand Sports.