I'm neck deep in the new work I picked up but the weather is flat gorgeous so I did a 2/3 day and we headed to the coast late. Cyn & the mutts walked about 3.5 mile on the beach, trying to stay in the soft sand. We have that Lost Coast backpack trip imminent. I pursued the legendary and elusive Surf Perch. I foolishly didn't bring waders, just rolled up my pants, so the swells were chasin' me in and out. Calves and arches of my feet are whipped. Ain't no thing like sand for "that" kind of workout.

[bleep] surf perch anyway. Bastids own my ass. On a happy note the new knots I learned- the Uni, and Double-Twist Dropper Loop- worked great and made for a "crappie rig" type dual-hook setup, but sans swivels, or ANY hardware really. I'm converting over from a light-tackle trout mentality and it's really different. Fishing for ling cod on the Pacific in February, I snagged up at one point, and I swear the 65-lb braided on my reel would've served to anchor my little boat! Crazy strong. Today I was using my 12' Ugly Stik and a spinning reel with 20-lb braided and a 2-oz sinker and while I could cast it a MILE, the dang beach was so flat that I couldn't really get out to the big surf without getting chased in by the big waves.

Failure hurts. I won't lie. But know this. I WILL conquer the legendary [bleep] Surf Perch. smile

Last edited by Jeff_O; 04/24/18.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two