Still knocking out burpees with variations. Burpee double push-up into a pull-up. Burpee into a sandbag clean and press. Burpee into lunges and so on. Off today, so I walked the dogs on our five mile trail with my weight vest. That's getting easier so I'll have to start going further and or faster as I'm maxed out on what I can add to the weight vest.

The Wife has been thinking that "We" should up root some juniper bushes that edge our house and replace them with Hostas from and area that she thinks "We" need to excavate and build a retaining wall to make it "look" better. Coming from a long line of men who raised me to know precisely what she means when she say's "We" I guess I'll spend part of the day wasting my time futzing around with that silly crap knowing full well she'll only think of some other home project "We" should do. Damn all men who post their honey do achievements on Facebook for other wives to see!