Mike, that's great! I got a buddy our age who's semi-retiring. He has a few rentals that are all paid off and purely cash-flowing now, the bastid. In fact he's in CO as I type doing high-altitude bike rides.

I'm going the other direction <g>. I'm attempting to set up a late-earning-prime cash EXPLOSION that greases the skids for me down the road. smile I have zero debt, property is paid for, house is new and paid for, cars, machines, everything.... so if I can get this thing really popping for a decade it's almost pure gravy. The key is gonna be not letting it eat me alive. At this point, it is, but as I say we engaged this thing knowing that it would be in crises-mode until we got the final customer caught up. These assemblies are critical to their final product..... they are howling and waving cash....

I really, really, REALLY enjoyed my younger years and "making money" wasn't a big thing for me then. Life experiences were. I knew it'd make this era of my life more, I dunno, difficult, but it's the trade I made. As peers start to retire or semi-retire I will grant that I'm a bit jealous.... in a way. In other ways I welcome the level of challenge and pure engagement. I'm no where NEAR ready to give that up. I love this stuff. In a strange and difficult to articulate way, my head injury created or brought up a level of OCD that when combined with my prior personality seems to be really working... it's kinda bizarre frankly but I'll take it. For example, I've really noticed it as I've started playing guitar again; I'm much more aware of the fine points of technique and very interested in chasing down and fixing same. And within the realm of what I know and do, I'm a hell of a machinist at this point.... knock on wood, haha.... which is FUN; it's fun to be good at something hard. So it's all good. Just gotta find that balance.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two