Googled those... interesting fish! Not the same thing, but very cool.

Our ling cod are neither a ling nor a cod.... don't know the reason for the name.

Lost the only salmon I hooked today........ right at the boat..... to a [bleep] SEAL! The jerk rappeled down from
chopper with a knife between his teeth and.... haha... nah, but it was one of the crazier things I've seen. The fish was fighting normally, then must've seen the seal, and peeled off several FIERCE runs. When I got him within sight, we suddenly see this 6-foot shape go flying by after the fish.... incredibly fast.... all hell broke loose, the fish is going crazy like I've never seen, and it headed under the boat, peeling 65-lb braided from my reel like a much bigger fish.... buddy tried to whack the seal with the net to no avail.... it all happened really fast... and the seal caught it. Bit my leader, game over.

There might've been a few cuss words. smile

We just bay fished, so no real workout occurred.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two