Carved out a day off. All day on the boat, Winchester Bay, buncha Dungeness crabs and boated two coho salmon and a few rockfish. Crossed the bar (!) early and fished "outside" but came back over pretty soon thereafter as the swells got, well, [bleep] scary as the day progressed.

In terms of a workout can't quantify it but I am full-body tired. My light little boat can get tossed around pretty good and it's a ride. Also, I added tape-wrapped rebar zip-tied to the bottom of my 6 crab pots and pulling those heavy suckers up multiple times was some kinda damn workout. If it was in a gym..... the Crabulator? Crab Tugs? Pot Pullers? smile

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two