Originally Posted by ConradCA
Trump was right when he said that he could end the war in a few days. All he would have to do is:

1) mobilize NATO and US military and move them on the border with Ukraine.

2) Tell Putin he has 2 weeks to leave Ukraine or we will help Ukraine kick them out.

3) if he doesn't leave move our forces into Ukraine and kick Russia out.

Quisling Joe would never do this because he sold us out to Putin for millions in bribes.

OR ....tell Ukraine no more money and give us an accounting of what was spent including what seems to have made it into Bidens' bloated re-election campaign funds. Threaten to fully expose corruption and bio labs and trafficking. Sign an agreement today ending hostilities if Zalenski doesn't want to be brought up on charges.

Mobilize NATO in 24 hrs ? ? ? ?
US troops will kick them out ? ? ? ? ? Sounds like real improvement. (insert sarcasm font)

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius