Originally Posted by AB2506
"Think about it. In the last 200 years the only country to come to the aid of the USA was Russia. Not France, not Britain, not Canada, only Russia."

Really? Britain and Canada didn't help the USA in WWI or WWII? They aren't part of NATO etc.? They didn't send troops to Afghanistan? I think the Brits sent troops to Iraq.

The USA is a huge country, population wise, compared to Canada and even Britain. The USA has carried a heavier load as they are a SUPER POWER. That being said, all NATO members, including Canada, must comply and spend 2% GDP on their military.
You might ought to rethink your thinking. WW1, WW2, and NATO weren't and aren't for the aid and protection of the USA. The USA should have never gone over there to pull Britain and France's asses out of the fire at huge cost to our treasury. Whatever they've done or haven't done in the mid-east wasn't to protect the USA. Of course we have been in joint military operations for instance Korea, and Vietnam. That doesn't count for direct military assistance to protect our country.

It makes me sick when I think of all the families in the U.S. that suffered death and trauma as did my parent's and grand parent's generations over those damned European and Asian conflicts that didn't help a thing. Shortly after the two world wars were over half the world's populations were in brutal communist dictatorships.

Now we are thirty some TRILLION PLUS dollars in debt with nothing to show for it. Go back to the Canada forum and commune with that idiot Steve Redgwell.

Last edited by Hastings; 04/02/24. Reason: added word

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