Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Canuks who have no history of fighting for their Nation should stick to reviewing bagged milk brands and how good Justin's wanker tastes.

Let the Ukraine decide how hard to fight for freedom, they don't seem close to quiting. Just need help with more bullets to slay more Orcs.

Your need to cower and grovel before authority is not everyone's need.

Deal with your shit political issue and maybe then you can speak on the political situation in the Greatest Country Ever.

Thanks for your attention on this matter.
Mr. Burns: You do realize you are aligned with Resident Biden and the most corrupt elements of the U.S. government don't you? In support of a country more corrupt than Russia?

Come on over to our side.


Biden encouraged the invasion, encouraged Zelenskyy to run, slow rolled the aid when it mattered most, refused aid like ATACMS that would have made significant impact, ect.

We probably won't be in agreement on the best way to handle the Orc invasion but if you objectivly study the Biden response I tihnk you will see it has not been consistant with Biden rhetoric. We are seeing a repeat with the support for Israel.

RFK jr proposes a policy in step with the Putin Pufters here so are you now a supported of RFK jr for President?

Trump has a very strong anti Russian stance on the invasion and I support Trump for President. I believe Puty boi would never have sent his Orc Hordes if Trump had been in the White House.

Do you think Putin would have invaded if Trump was in the White House?

ps. You're more fun to discuss this with when you are not trying to get me thrown in Orc prison. wink

There would be no reason for Russians to formally invade Ukraine if Trump was US president.