Originally Posted by Partsman
Ukraine will have to ‘begin slow retreat’ without more US aid
©Provided by Metro
Ukraine will be forced to begin a slow retreat without American military aid, President Volodymyr Zelensky has said.In an interview with The Washington Post, the Ukrainian leader spoke of the military struggles facing the army as they run low on ammunition

The end is near for the ukes.
What a waste of lives, yet there are a few here that have no clue and think sacrificing ukes is a good thing.

Said it before, there is no winner in this tragedy.
yet the US president keeps encouraging a lost cause.

But thank God there are no more mean tweets. crazy

Canuks who have no history of fighting for their Nation should stick to reviewing bagged milk brands and how good Justin's wanker tastes.

Let the Ukraine decide how hard to fight for freedom, they don't seem close to quiting. Just need help with more bullets to slay more Orcs.

Your need to cower and grovel before authority is not everyone's need.

Deal with your shit political issue and maybe then you can speak on the political situation in the Greatest Country Ever.

Thanks for your attention on this matter.

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.