Originally Posted by jaguartx
Many hate the fact Putin, Xi, India, North Koreas Little Kim, Brazil and bin Salmon of Saudi Arabia are Nationalists like Trump and won't bend over for the NWO/WEF GLOBALIST CABAL and their plan for a one world government and Agenda 2030 with population reduction to 500 million or less. Do you, Jcubed? Do you LroyJetsam? Do you Houston_2? Do you woolve? Do you Smokeapole? Do you Buzz?

Do you?

I dont advocate depopulation...but you do Jag.

Just as you say Trump is next to God...

What do you think happens when you and Q put everyone to the gallows that you don't like?

I'll answer for you...cause it is easy...depopulation.

Jews...gays...catholics...freemasons...politicians...everyday workers...

Yet, I was called the Nazi?

Grow up, look at facts, and realize your "perception" ain't reality.

Want proof...

Dem blacks...Tuskegee airmen.

Plenty of Asians who helped us during Vietnam...but no credit there.

You are a self-proclaimed MD...yet ignore the basics of science.

Wait...he condemns all of medical science who got him to retirement.

Do you believe science, Jag? Real, peer reviewed science?

I know why you will hate peer review...but it is kinda like trying to sell your conspiracy goods...

Science won't buy it...you know that...

When does your hypocrisy end?