Originally Posted by Greyghost

Somewhere along the line I must have missed the news about U.S. M1150 ABV's being delivered to Ukraine. It being assumed that at least a few were delivered along with the Abrams. These engineering vehicles are the tops in mine clearing ability. Bangalore Torpedo's be damned. This thing will fire off 300 to 450 feet of rope like det cord except it contains 1,700 pounds of explosive. I've never seen one though I guess they were used in Afghanistan and have been in service for some 13 or 14 years. Ukraine is only the second nation to use them behind the U.S.



its funny when boomers with dementia try and process news propaganda and forget history and facts,.

no wonder the US is in constant wars the past 5 decades and as stated Washington warned us these low iq idiots would get us into constant wars and endless debts.

Washington was one smart dude